Pastor Loran Livingston enjoys the opportunity to help people see just how much Jesus loves them. He has led Central Church for more than 40 years, and while times have certainly changed, the crux of his message has not – the truth of Scripture, the power of the cross and the greatness of grace.
Pastor was born and raised in Anson County, North Carolina, where he grew up in a godly home. However, it was not until he was a college student at Lee University that his life was dramatically changed by the love of Christ. Soon after, he married Sandra Weatherby, and together they began a life of ministry. In 1977, the young couple moved to Charlotte to pastor the newly-formed Central Church.
As an engaging preacher and a master storyteller, Pastor has an amazing way of not only bringing Scripture to life, but applying it to where you live. He’s bold and honest, and probably best loved for his transparency. Each sermon delivers hope and encouragement.
While Central’s congregation is beautifully diverse and the challenges of the day are complex, Pastor Livingston constantly points to the one place where true hope is found – Jesus Christ.
Pastor is a fisherman and golfer. He and Sandra have four daughters, three sons-in-law, and eight grandchildren.